Charlottesville Science Fiction and Fantasy Novel Writers' Club

Why Join?

What Do I Need to Join?

A will to write, a way to share that writing (preferably digitally), and a way to get to and from meetings reliably. There is no fee, but try to buy something from our venue as a favor.

When Do You Meet?

Critique Sessions are held on the first Sunday of every month at a local coffee shop (join our Discord or check the schedule below to see where). Write-ins are held a bit earlier on every Sunday, but are flexible. These are held at the Starbucks in Ruckersville, but location may change.

How Can I Join?

The easiest way is to join our Discord first, but you can also show up to a Critique Session or Write-In and meet people! Do these times not work for you? Reach out! It's a small group that is happy to accommodate new members.

Upcoming Meetings